will's photo blog...

because YOUR life sucks... and i have pictures to prove it!

Thursday, July 29, 2004

the lake... the paddleboats... and the cross... i miss camp so much...

kenny is a complete badass. and i can't take a picture worth shit.

another big group shot in the chapel.

more people in the chapel.

random evening camp activity in the chapel. well, it's not random, i know what it was, but it dosen't mean much to people who weren't there.

more of my small group. (i realize that i somehow managed to not get everyone in these pics... and for that i'm really sorry, don't feel that i hate you, i'm just retarded when it comes to taking pictures...)

part of my small group.

my lovely sleeping place for the duration of the week.

anway, on to church camp 04. w00t. random shot of random people waiting for some random meal. yay.

installing windows xp... the saga of the new computer continues...

his case has a badass display on the front that gives temp. and running time and such. badass.

the finished guts of ross's box.

phil working on ross's computer. he's very intense at times like this.

Friday, July 16, 2004

yeah, so i finally got my itrip from tim. hurray, now i can broadcast short distances on an fm station. damn i'm a pimp.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

i was wearing pants at the time as is evident in this photo. also, shoes and a shirt were involved.

sometimes joey scares me. lay off the crack dude... or something. either way... just don't kill me... i mean... look at the eyes...

not sure what's going on here... but i kinda like it... ;)

we tried to play risk. it failed. someone *cough*katie*cough* kept stealing pieces...

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

haha, this is what happened while playing trivia on irc. omg, it made my day. heh. only some people will find this interesting. (the interesting part is boxed)

the quake III practice lan. notice the top half of stevo's head is missing. that's what happens when you play around with plasma guns... fucking plasma guns...

the party at the pub after orientation up at utd. fun.

Monday, July 05, 2004

part of the ending credits to another good movie...

Sunday, July 04, 2004



i think this picture is quite artistic if i do say so myself. i'm proud of it. heh.

lots of red.